
spaces. Films and photography dealing with Japan will be examined, analyzed and evaluated in terms of providing under-standing of Japanese culture.Japanese Popular Media and CultureThrough the use of popular media (primarily manga, anime and television dramas), this course will examine various aspects of Japanese history, culture, and civil society. This includes investi-gating the religious, social, and political conditions that gave rise to these media, as well as their uses as tools of governmental control, means of political resistance, and vehicles for reflecting on social issues and problems. The business of Japanese manga, anime, and television, their connections to other forms of art and entertainment, their impact on the popular media of other countries, and their influence on foreign images of Japan will also be examined. Monsters, Ghosts and the Making of Modern JapanThe Japanese popular imagination has always been haunted by myriad monsters and ghosts, which have both frightened and entertained. But these are by no means the only two roles these creatures have played in Japanese history. This class looks at the religious, social and political uses of the supernatural in literature, art, film, manga, anime, and other popular media. The goal is to understand the many ways in which monsters and ghosts have symbolized and personified the problems, hopes and fears of the Japanese, and have facilitated their search for meaning and identity from pre-modern times to the present day.Japanese MusicBeginning with gagaku, music of the early imperial court, this survey course will cover the major genres of Japanese music and end with student presentations exploring any of the musical forms covered in class to J-pop. The primary aim is for the students to develop a familiarity with the various musical genres and the musical instruments and structures of each genre through listening exercises. Other themes to be explored throughout the semester with secondary readings are the relationship of musical genre with social class, the continuing dialectic between high culture and low, and the classification of popular musical genres. International Relations of AsiaInternational relations of Asia are complex and are more and more taking center stage in world politics. The region embodies enormous potential, represented by explosive economic growth and vibrant societies. It also contains major risks to regional and global stability, rooted in conflicting national interests and identities and strategic competition among great powers. The course focuses on strategic aspects related to the growing securi-ty tensions within the region. It applies international relations theories to cover historical developments, key actors in Asian politics (U.S, China, Japan, India, ASEAN), and key issues (the rise of China, Taiwan, the Korean peninsula, regional cooperation.)ASIA/JAPAN STUDIES COURSESMulti-Media StudiesMusicInternational Relations31

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