School of Spanish Language and Communication, College of Foreign Studies

Connecting career design with the endless possibilities that come with language studies

Educational Goals

To develop expertise in Spanish and Latin American Studies

The curriculum is designed to allow students to start from the basics and work to become capable of using Spanish as a tool for communication. By graduation, students are expected to reach levels that are at least equivalent to level two of the Official Evaluation of Spanish Language Knowledge, and also develop a wide range of knowledge about the culture and language of Spain and Latin American countries.

Learning English in the School of Spanish Language and Communication

The School of Spanish Language and Communication also covers English education, as it is a language that is useful in communication in many countries throughout the world. Classes taught by native English speakers are available in the Spanish Department, and by developing a firm grasp of both English and Spanish, students can become trilingual and multilingual professionals with the potential to excel throughout the world.

More than Just Spanish Language

Three courses – the International Relations Course, the International Cultures Course, and the Linguistics Course – have been designed to meet the interests and needs of students. The courses do not only allow students to learn English, but also guide them in attaining knowledge and developing an understanding of specific global fields. Courses are offered in English, Spanish, and fourteen other languages to encourage students to learn in different languages. Through studying in different languages and developing a range of perspectives and viewpoints, students become capable of gaining a better understanding of the world, and are able to use more than just Spanish in their careers after graduation.

Using the World as Your Stage

Kansai Gaidai University boasts a network of affiliations with 395 universities in 55 countries , and provides students with a great selection when it comes to choosing fields in which they would like to pursue. Approximately 1,900 students are sent abroad each year on a variety of programs, through which they are able to refine their language skills and develop firsthand experience in other countries.


A Look at the Curriculum

Schematic Outline of the Curriculum of the School of Spanish Language and Communication, College of Foreign Studies


The Three Courses

International Relations Course
●Developing an open mindset with international perspectives
●Attaining specific and expert knowledge in the field

Students who are capable of attaining specific and expert knowledge about international relations and also developing an open mindset with international perspectives have the potential to excel in any country in the world.

The International Relations Course aims to provide new international perspectives through which students can view societies, and also guide students in theoretically analyzing and understanding different parts of the world.

In addition, fundamental knowledge that is required for working in international corporations and institutions are also covered in this course, and subjects of business, world history, and mathematics are also featured.

The International Relations Course provides education in social sciences as well as international understanding, and is perfect for students who are interested in pursuing an international career.

International Cultures Course
●Looking into specific areas and also the world in general
●Developing a global perspective and an open point of view

The purpose of this course is to allow students to be capable of transitioning from studies in specific areas and regions towards looking at the whole world, so that they may develop a global perspective and an open point of view.

Classes in the International Cultures Course are designed for those who are interested in using English and Spanish in their future, and provide education relevant to the culture and social composition of English and Spanish speaking areas.

The course is also suitable for students who wish to participate in long-term study abroad programs, as there are a variety of courses available that are taught completely in English.

Students who are interested in pursuing a multicultural and multilingual career or a future with international corporations and institutions are encouraged to select this course.

Linguistics Course
●Significantly improving language skills
●Developing expertise in language and literature studies

The Linguistics Course serves as a means through which students can become professionals capable of utilizing their strong language skills and developing expertise in language and literature studies.

Language classes cover the elements of reading, writing, listening, and speaking in both English and Spanish, and also probe deeper into each language by studying its literature and usage.

In order to allow students to be able to use English and Spanish professionally in business, communication techniques and also the composition of each language are also subjects that are taught in this course.

The Linguistics Course is an excellent path for those who wish to become interpreters, translators, English teachers, Japanese teachers, Spanish teachers, and professionals who use English and Spanish to their advantage.


Traits of the Curriculum

Complete and Thorough Education in Spanish

Due to the fact that the majority of students have little to no prior experience with the Spanish language, mandatory Spanish language classes are taught in small classes with fewer than 25 students. Classes are arranged based on the Spanish levels of each student in order to maximize learning for all students in each class.

Students start with the elements of reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and spend a total of two years improving their Spanish skills. In addition, a variety of classes about Spanish and Latin American culture and history are available so that students can master not only the language, but also the culture and lifestyle of Spanish speaking areas.

The CIE PROGRAM is offered as a special program for the Spanish Language Department, and is designed to further improve the Spanish communication skills of participating students.

Learning in Specialized Courses

Three specialized courses – the International Relation Course, the International Cultures Course, and the Linguistics Course – area available. Students temporarily enroll in a specialized course, and after the end of their first year, they select which specialized course they would like to take based on their career paths and goals for the future. Students then spend the remainder of their years studying in the course and field that they have chosen.

Although there are classes that have been created specifically for each course, in order to allow students to become better educated and well-rounded, it is possible for students to take classes designated for courses other than their own.

Students spend their fourth and final year under the supervision of their instructors on high level research projects that are directly related to their course.

Enriching General and Liberal Arts Education

The School of Spanish Language and Education does not only provide education in language studies and linguistics. General and Liberal Arts Classes are made available for students of all courses, and allow students to attain knowledge in terms of culture, mannerisms, and other aspects of modern society. In addition, specific fields such as philosophy, psychology, politics, mathematics, environmental studies, athletic and health studies, as well as others are also covered.

General and Liberal Arts Classes are not bound to any course, and are available for all students of the School of Spanish Language and Education.

Through these classes, students may also have the chance to earn credits for participating in internships and volunteer programs that positively contribute to society with corporations, government institutions, and other organizations.

Classes and the Credit System

All classes are provided by semester, and start and end in either the spring semester or the fall semester. The duration of classes is 90 minutes, and in general, classes worth four credits consist of 90 minute classes that run twice a week. It should be noted that there are Mandatory Core Classes that consist of two 90 minute sessions per week that are worth two credits.

Mandatory Core Classes cover the four elements of English, as well as topics including thought processes, methods of expression, and also forms research

Course Specific Classes are designed to provide students with specialized knowledge that are field specific

General and Liberal Arts Classes focus on general and cultural education, as well as liberal arts and other specialized topics

Credits Required for Graduation from the School of Spanish Language and Communication

A total of 124 credits are required for graduation. Within the 124 credits, students should have 24 credits from Mandatory Core Classes and at least 60 credits from Course Specific Classes. The remaining 40 credits can be from classes designated in courses other than the one that the student has chosen, or General and Liberal Arts Classes.


Special Curriculum

CIE Program
Developing the ability to communicate in Spanish and become an expert of Spanish and Latin American culture

The CIE Program is a special course that allows students to further their understanding of the Spanish language and also refine their Spanish communication skills. All classes of the program have a limited number of students, are arranged based on the Spanish skills of each student to improve learning, and are taught by native Spanish speaking instructors from Spain or Latin America. Students are encouraged to participate from their second year in the one year CIE Program, which aims to bring their Spanish levels up to what is equivalent to level B1 of the CEFR. Spanish is one of the most commonly used languages in the world, and mastering it will allow you to become capable of communicating with more people than you can imagine. Participating in the program also contributes to your success in studying abroad in Spanish speaking countries, and also in your job hunting as you can use your language skills and cultural understanding to your advantage.