「緊急事態宣言解除」における本学の対応について / Kansai Gaidai’s Response to the Lifting of the State of Emergency..(5月25日)








① 図書館:オンライン授業受講(自宅で受講環境が整っていない学生対象)、オンライン面接、授業に関連した貸出図書や学内パソコンを利用する自習、予約図書貸出サービス
② 教室:上記①図書館が満席時の代替施設(詳しくは図書館でご確認ください)
③ キャリアセンター:就職活動全般
④ 事務局:証明書発行、各種書類提出、各種相談 他
⑤ 学生相談室:電話とZOOMによる相談を受け付けています。ホームページより予約の上、ご相談ください。
⑥ その他:部活動等、学内活動の再開についても段階的に解除していく方針ですが、現在具体策やルールを検討中ですので、決定次第改めてご連絡します。

① 集中による3密を防ぐため、事務局来訪にあたっては「事前連絡」をお願いします。なお、証明書発行、各種書類提出は「郵送」を基本としています。ご留意ください。
② 入構の際、各守衛所に設置している「ICカードリーダー」を学生証でタッチしてください(学生証を忘れた方は、氏名・目的等の記入が必要です)。
③ 両キャンパス正門(守衛所前)に【体温検知用AIドームカメラ】を常設すると共に、主要施設30ヵ所に「非接触型体温計」を設置していますので、入構時は必ず体温チェックを受けてください。発熱がある場合は入構できません。
④ 施設内100ヵ所に「手指消毒液」を設置しましたので、手洗い・消毒を徹底願います。
⑤ 入構時、マスク着用を必須とします(学内、登下校時、公共交通機関移動時を含む)。
⑦ 昼食は、6月1日より下記店舗をご利用ください(不定期に休みの可能性があります)。



 ・御殿山キャンパス・グローバルタウン:LEARNING COMMONS(3F)
③詳細はラポートのお知らせにて別途案内いたしますが、問い合わせは、情報部門にメールで確認ください⇒ jyoho-g@kansaigaidai.ac.jp 





関西外国語大学 中宮キャンパス 072-805-2801(代表)
・授業運営、履修関係 ⇒ 教務部
・学生生活、奨学金、心の相談 ⇒ 学生部、学生相談室
・留学、国際交流関係 ⇒ 国際交流部
・就職、進路指導・支援 ⇒ キャリアセンター
・入学試験、広報関係 ⇒ 入試広報企画部
・図書館、パソコン利用、教室利用等 ⇒ 図書館学術情報センター


Kansai Gaidai’s Response to the Lifting of the State of Emergency Declaration

On May 21, 2020, Japanese Government’s state of emergency declaration was lifted for Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo prefectures.  Accordingly, Kansai Gaidai University is taking measures to lift our institutional restrictions regarding entry into the university premises and the use of facilities.

Our response has been determined in accordance with the “Standard Measures to Prevent the COVID-19 Outbreak” established by Osaka Prefecture.  We will continue our efforts in protecting the safety and health of our students.  The following guidelines are therefore subject to change as the situation changes.  Thank you for your understanding and kind cooperation.


1. Classes

We will continue conducting spring semester classes online as announced.

We are tentatively planning to hold face-to-face classes in the fall semester, though the final decision will be made taking into account the status of infections as well as the level of restrictions.

2. Entry into University Premises and Use of University Facilities

① Library: Students may use the library facility for the following purposes:

・Use of on-campus computers to take online classes due to lack of a device at home
・Participate in online interviews, 
・Self-study using reference books and/or computer facilities as instructed in classes
・Borrow library books reserved on the OPAC in advance

② Classrooms:
Classrooms may be used as an alternative facility when the library/computer rooms are filled.
Please contact our library for more details.

③ Career Placement Center:
Job hunting activities

④ Other Administrative Offices:
Certificate Issuance, Submission of Necessary Documents, Consultations/Counseling, etc.

⑤ Student Counseling Office:
Counseling service is being provided via telephone and/or zoom.  Please make an appointment through our website.

⑥ Others:
The University is in the process of determining measures for extra-curricular and other on-campus activities.  Further announcements will be made when the information becomes available.

3. Guidelines for Entry into the University Premises

① Please make a prior appointment in order to avoid “Three C’s” before your visit any office(s).
Issuance of certificates and submission of documents should be, in principle, handled via postal service. 

② Please bring your ID card which will be scanned at the university gate. (If you forget to bring your ID, you will be asked to write down your name and purpose of entry.)

③ The University will monitor your body temperature at the gate before entry into campuses.  Any person who has a high fever may not be allowed to enter the premises.  Noncontact thermometers are installed at 30 other on-campus locations, and you may be asked to check your temperatures as necessary.

④ Antiseptic solutions are placed at 100 locations on campus.  Please wash and sanitize hands frequently. 

⑤ Anyone entering into the university facilities must wear a mask, including when commuting and using public transportation.

⑥ Avoid the Three C’s and maintain social distancing.  Please refrain from commuting in a group and having meals or talking loudly face to face.

⑦ Lunch services are available at the following facilities effective June 1. (Some facilities may be occasionally closed.)

【 Nakamiya Campus 】
Hamac de Paradis ICC Everyday   [11:00-15:00]
Seven Eleven  Monday through Friday [8:30 -18:00]

【 Gotenyama Campus・Global Town 】
CAFETERIA 2  Monday through Saturday [11:00-13:30]
Seven Eleven  Monday through Friday  [8:30-18:00]

Notice on Library Use

① Reading rooms cannot be used in order to prevent the spread of infections.

② The following facilities are available for taking online courses:
・Nakamiya Campus: Learning Commons in the Library and Media Center (3F)
・Gotenyama Campus: LEARNING COMMONS (3F)

③ More information will be available on Rapport.  If you have any inquiries, please contact our Media Center by sending a message to: jyoho-g@kansaigaidai.ac.jp.

④ Information on circulation of reserved books is available on the Library website.

[Reference] Standard Measures to prevent COVID-19 outbreak (Issued by Osaka Prefecture)

Although the state of emergency declaration has been lifted, there is a possibility of a resurgence of the Covid-19 epidemic.  In order to protect your life and safety and that of the people around you, we hope everyone will take responsible actions so as to prevent the spread of infections. 

【 Contact Information 】

Kansai Gaidai University, Nakamiya Campus Phone: 072-805-2801 (main switchboard)

・Registration, Classes: Registrar’s Office
・Student Affairs, Scholarships, Counseling: Student Affairs, Counseling Room
・Study Abroad, International Programs: Center for International Education
・Job Placements, Support for Career Development: Career Placement Center
・Admissions, Public Relations: Office of Institutional Strategy Development
・Library Services, PC facilities: Library and Media Center

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