





President Albert Mosley, Board of Directors, Faculty, Staff and graduating students, it is my great honor to be here today to receive an Honorary Degree from Morningside University.  I consider this honor to be a most sincere compliment bestowed to all who have been supporting us in our endeavors in the development of global education and the advancement of higher education.  

Kansai Gaidai University was founded in 1945 in the smoldering ashes of World War II.  Our founder hoped to create an institution which would focus on international education to nurture individuals who are able to build bridges between different values and cultures, and thus, are able to make positive contributions to promoting world peace. Our affiliation with Morningside University has been an integral part of this endeavor since 1980 when we established a student exchange agreement.  In 1987, we launched an exciting expansion of the student exchange program, namely, a dual-degree program for Kansai Gaidai students.

My undergraduate degree is actually from Kansai Gaidai.  I also took advantage of a student exchange program and studied in Wisconsin for one academic year.  I was so fascinated by diverse cultures and ways of thinking that I pursued a graduate degree in anthropology in the U.S.

After obtaining a Master’s degree, I returned to Japan and continued my research while teaching as a full-time professor.  I conducted ethnographic field research during the summer for ten years in the states of Arizona and New Mexico.  True learning occurs only when you are able to immerse yourself into the community but to do so requires a deep understanding, flexibility, and resilience.  However, all these efforts pay off, as you can understand the core values which shape cultures. For instance, the word, “Hózhó” is said to be the most important word in the Navajo language.  It is often translated as “balance and beauty” with a strong emphasis on harmony.  

These values are similar to a Japanese word “WA” which literally means “harmony” or “balance.”  There is a famous phrase, “Harmony is to be valued,” which is the opening statement of Japan’s first constitution enacted by Prince Shotoku in 604.  This sentiment has been a core value of Japanese culture since then.  What I learned reassured me of the importance of “respect” for others which serves as a foundation for fostering human relations and mutual understanding.

The world now needs individuals who are willing to bridge different cultures and values to create harmony among people.  Also, with the rapid development of AI and digital tools, the way we live and work in society has been drastically changed and will continue to evolve.  Our roles should be to identify challenges, formulate accurate hypotheses and utilize digital tools to nurture individuals who are able to cope with an ever-changing society with resilience.

In any endeavors, we encounter difficulties, but what is important is the spirit of “never giving up” since true value lies in the process. We have a saying, “Continuity is strength.”  We are committed to the endeavor of making the world a better place for everyone with cooperation from our valued partners such as Morningside University.  Harnessing the collective efforts of everyone involved will bring this vision to fruition.  

I would like to conclude my remarks by expressing once again my deepest gratitude. For me personally, this honor will serve as a reminder of the efforts that lie ahead and the impact that each and every one of us can make in shaping a brighter future. Thank you.



