Cross-Cultural Experience(5)Chicken Rice--by Yumiko Fujita




When Japanese people hear the word ‘chicken rice’, ketchup rice wrapped with an egg omelet is imagined. Indeed, what else is there??

In South East Asia, chicken rice is an array of steamed chicken pieces on rice cooked with chicken bouillon. Chicken parts can be selected; breast or thigh meat. It is usually served with Chili sauce, Dark soy sauce, and Ginger sauce. This is oh, so yummy! The chicken is very tender and juicy, and it goes perfectly with those various sauces.

Chili…. in South East Asia, most of the countries’ foods cannot be discussed without Chili. For almost all food dishes, people add Chili. I sometimes feel that everything tastes same due to this fact This is like soy sauce for our Japanese dishes.

And..., what is dark soy sauce? It is thicker soy sauce that tastes slightly sweet. In supermarkets everywhere, there are always Dark soy sauce and Light soy sauce in addition to the classifications of quality levels. Japanese use soy sauce, however, is hardly known. What a surprising fact! I am sure it is quite acceptable for the Japanese dining…. Please somebody sell it in Japan!

Ginger sauce…… it sounds ordinary but it is very special, for it is specially blended. Each chicken rice shop has a homemade recipe. It is a mix of ground ginger with chicken fat oil, lime juice, sesame oil … ooooh, what else! There are some hidden items, indeed it is a secret recipe.

Not only on chicken, but sauces on steamed chicken rice are great. It is like Tonkatsu sauce for Pork Cutlets poured on steamed white rice. Ooooooo, amazing.

Chicken rice is originally from Hainan Island of China. Signboards often display “Hainanese Chicken Rice Shop” or 海南鶏飯 -(Hainan Jhee Fan). This cannot be missed when you visit South East Asia!