【Important Announcement for Students, Faculty and Staff】 Responding to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

March 9, 2020

Regarding the response of Kansai Gaidai University to the recent outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus, we would like to ask members of the KGU community to follow the guidelines outlined below.

As information regarding the virus is updated, our response will be adapted to the changing situation. Updated information will be posted on our website accordingly.


1. Regarding prevention of viral transmission

(1) Please be sure to strictly follow the standard procedures for preventing the transmission of infectious diseases, including washing your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water, using alcohol-based solutions for disinfecting hands if soap and water are not available, using surgical masks if you have a cough, and observing proper hygiene practices for containing coughs and sneezes.

(2)  Please refrain from going out in public as much as possible, and avoid crowded places to limit your exposure to others.


2. If you have a cough or a temperature of 37.5 °C (99.5°F) or higher

(1) If you have following symptoms, please contact your local “Returnee and Contact Person Consultation Center,” and follow their instructions:
① if you have flu symptoms or have a temperature of 37.5 °C (99.5°F) or higher for four days (including conditions in which you need to continue taking medicine to reduce fever)
② if you are feeling extremely lethargic or are experiencing shortness of breath
③ For the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions, if you experience the symptoms in bold above for two days.

(2) Please consult a medical institution immediately recommended by the “Returnee and Contact Person Consultation Center” and observe proper hygiene practices for containing coughs and sneezes.

(3) If you have been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), please report this information to the University (our Health Center).


3. Regarding travel overseas

(1) We ask you to refrain from any travel to countries and areas for which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued an “infectious disease warning.”

(2) Even in countries not on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs infectious disease warning list, conditions regarding the novel coronavirus can change rapidly. Please refrain from any non-essential, non-urgent travel, and make your judgments with your health and safety foremost in mind.

(3) If travel outside of Japan (including return visits to your home country) is unavoidable, please follow the guidelines below and make appropriate decisions by frequently checking the latest information and advisories from the home page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant sources.
① Register your information with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
② Be sure to share your contact information regarding your itinerary with your family, friends, work colleagues, etc.
③ Be aware that, if a health check at the time of entry into your destination country reveals you to have a fever or other symptoms leading to suspected infection, you may, by law, be asked to enter into medical isolation or otherwise be subject to activity restriction.


4. If you have recently been abroad
 (1) If you have flu symptoms or have a temperature of 37.5 °C (99.5°F) or higher, report to quarantine station at the airport and follow their instructions. Please make sure to report any instructions you receive from them to the University (our Health Center).

(2) If you don’t have such symptoms but any of following conditions applies to you, please do not come to school but remain at home for 14 days.
 ① If you have returned from one of the designated areas (see below)* or any country or area that has been assessed at risk level 3.
② If you have been in contact with people who live in one of the designated areas* or a country or area that has been assessed at risk level 3.
③ If you have visited or consulted a medical institution in any country or area assessed at risk level 2.

(3) If you meet the conditions for staying home for 14 days, please be sure to report this to the University (our Health Center).

(4) If you have flu symptoms or have a temperature of 37.5 °C (99.5°F) or higher during the 14 days, please contact your local “Returnee and Contact Person Consultation Center” and follow their instructions.

(5) If the “Returnee and Contact Person Consultation Center” has designated a medical institution for you, please consult the medical institution immediately, and observe proper hygiene practices for containing coughs and sneezes.

(6) If you have been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus, please report this information to the University (our Health Center).

Designated Areas*: ※:(As of March 6th, 2020)
【People’s Republic of China】
Hubei Province and the city of Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province

【Republic of Korea】
Daegu Metropolitan City, Cheongdo County in North Gyeongsang Province,
Andong City, Yeoncheon City, Chilgok County, Uiseong Country, Seongju County,
Cheongdo County, Gunwi County, and Bonghwa County in North Gyeongsang Province.

Ghom Province, Tehran Province, Gilan Province


5. For the latest information, please refer to the home page of the Japanese government’s Cabinet Secretariat: