Facts and Rankings


Total Number of Students

KGU has an enrollment of 11,403 students—3,752 male and 7,651 female students—as of May 2023.

Number of Local Students Studying Abroad

1,297 students participated in our study abroad programs during Fall 2022 and Spring 2023.

Number of Foreign Faculty Members

164 foreign faculty members are teaching at KGU.

Affiliated Institutions

KGU is affiliated with 395 institutions in 55 countries and regions around the world as of May 2023.

Number of Inbound International Students

KGU annually welcomes about 960 international students mainly from its affiliated institutions.


Number of Local Students Studying Abroad

KGU ranked first in Japan in the number of students who earned 16 credits or more from overseas affiliated institutions under university sponsored programs (source: 2022 edition of university rankings released by Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc.).

Number of Transfer Students

KGU ranked first universities in Japan in the number of transfer students (source: 2023 edition of university rankings [2nd and 3rd-year transfers] released by Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc.).