
First Two Weeks of Events of the Cultural Broadcasting Team


JAPAN Sep. 18. 2020

Cultural Broadcasting Team

It has been more than two weeks since the IEP project started and we have already been hosting fantastic events!!
Our first event was "Virtual Hometown Visit" a virtual tour to our team member’s countries, Kobe and Mie in Japan, Turkey, Israel, Portugal, and New Zealand.

The second event was "Country's Quiz Event", with quizzes about Germany which we played on "Kahoot!" via Zoom. After the quizzes participants enjoyed conversations with each other on Remo.

The winner of the quiz game was Tyler Leger (yayyyyyyy)!! 

We are grateful that a lot of students joined and made our events enjoyable. It was really fun talking to you guys!
And to the new students who couldn't join any of our events, we host events weekly so stay tuned and check the website!



JAPAN Sep. 18. 2020

Cultural Broadcasting Team