新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大予防のためのガイドライン(2023年5月8日改定)/Partial Revision of Guidelines for Prevention of COVID-19
学校法人 関西外国語大学
学校法人 関西外国語大学
(1) キャンパス入構時およびキャンパス内は、マスクの着用を求めないことを基本とします。
(2) 各施設の入り口にアルコール消毒液を配置します。入館時には各自で手や指の消毒を行ってください。
(3) 本ガイドラインのほか、図書館学術情報センターなど、施設単位で感染予防の基準が設けられている場合は、各運用基準に従ってください。
(1) アルコール消毒液を使用教室に配置します。教室の出入りの際など、各自、手指の消毒の徹底をお願いします。
(2) 教卓上の飛沫感染防止簡易パネルは当面の間、設置を継続します。
(3) 授業中は、可能な限り、窓と入口扉を同時に開けて外気を積極的に取り入れます。天候や気温が高く窓が常時開けられない場合でも、30分に1回各5分程度の換気を実施することにしています。
(4) 換気設備が常時稼働しています。換気設備では密閉された部屋でも1時間で約50%の空気が入れ替わります。
(1) 入口にアルコール消毒液を配置します。入室時に各自で手や指の消毒を行ってください。
(2) 注文や料理提供待ち、レジで並ぶ際は、前の人との間隔を空け、会話は控えるようにしてください。
(3) 3密を回避するため、学生の昼食スペースとして、中宮キャンパス1・2・7号館の全教室および御殿山キャンパス・グローバルタウンの全教室を各々開放しています。なお、混雑時は入場制限を実施する場合があります。
開放時間 : 12:15~13:00まで
(4) 混雑緩和のため時間差での食堂利用をお願いします。
(5) 食堂の従業員や出入り業者の体調確認など、衛生面・健康管理を徹底します。
(6) 食堂内は、可能な限り外気を積極的に取り入れます。
(7) 食堂の営業時間等については別途連絡します。
(1) 重症化リスクの高い者への感染を防ぐため、マスク着用が効果的な下記の場面では、マスクの着用を推奨します。
(2) 新型コロナウイルス感染症の流行期に重症化リスクが高い者が混雑した場所に行く時については、感染から自身を守る対策としてマスクの着用が効果的です。
以 上
Partial Revision of Guidelines for Prevention of Novel Coronavirus Transmission
Kansai Gaidai University (2023 Academic Year)
Kansai Gaidai University (2023 Academic Year)
TO: Kansai Gaidai students and their parents and guardians
FROM: Kansai Gaidai University COVID-19 Contingency Committee
DATE: May, 2023
FROM: Kansai Gaidai University COVID-19 Contingency Committee
DATE: May, 2023
On April 27, 2023, the Japanese government announced that the “Basic Policy on Measures to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus Infections” will be abolished on May 8, 2023, but we will continue our infection prevention measures for the time being by revising the guidelines as follows, effective May 8, 2023.
Your understanding of the guidelines, as well as your continued cooperation and support to our educational and research activities will be greatly appreciated.
Please note that the guidelines are subject to review and revision at any time, depending upon the development of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as any change in government policy.
1. Basic Guidelines
(1) As a general rule, it is not mandatory to wear a mask when entering the campus or while on campus.
(2) Antiseptic solutions are located at the entrance of every facility. Please be sure to disinfect your hands before entering any facility.
(3) Please observe guidelines established by any other University offices where applicable.
2. Classroom Activities and Environment
(1) Alcohol-based sanitizers are placed at each classroom. Please disinfect your hands thoroughly before entering the classroom.
(2) Splash infection prevention panels will remain on classroom podiums for the time being.
(3) Please ventilate the classroom as much as possible by opening doors and windows. Even in the case of poor weather, please make sure to ventilate for at least 5 minutes in 30 minutes intervals.
(4) The classroom ventilation fans will be kept on at all times. The currently installed ventilation system automatically ventilates about 50% of classroom air per hour even with all the doors and windows closed.
3. Use of Cafeterias
(1) Antiseptic solutions are placed at the entrance. Please disinfect your hands thoroughly before entering.
(2) While waiting for your meal order, please maintain an appropriate social distance and refrain from talking.
(3) To supplement seating space in the Student Cafeterias, the following classrooms will be opened so that you can eat your meals in socially-distanced safety while avoiding the “three C’s*,” though entry may be limited due to the capacity of the rooms:
① Nakamiya Campus:
All classrooms in Classroom Buildings #1, 2, and 7
② Gotenyama Campus Global Town:
All classrooms
Open hours: 12:15 – 13:00
(4) Please take meals at non-crowded times as much as possible.
(5) The health conditions of cafeteria staff and associated company employees will be carefully monitored.
(6) Measures will be taken to the greatest extent possible to ventilate the cafeteria with outside air.
(7) Business hours, etc., will be announced at a later date.
4. Other
(1) In order to prevent infection among those at high risk of becoming seriously ill, we recommend the wearing of masks in the following situations, in which wearing masks is effective:
① when visiting medical institutions;
② when visiting medical institutions or facilities for the elderly where many people at high risk of serious illness are hospitalized or living;
③ while riding crowded trains or buses during rush hours, etc.
(2) For those at high risk of serious illness from the novel coronavirus, wearing a mask is an effective measure to protect against transmission when visiting crowded areas during periods of high levels of transmission of the novel coronavirus.
*Three C’s
1. Closed spaces with poor ventilation
2. Crowded places with many people nearby
3. Close-contact settings such as close-range conversations
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