The KGIP is offered as part of the Asian Studies Program course offerings, and to receive credit for internship, you are required to:
- Register for the course and pay the required fees
- Complete all written assignments and turn them in by the deadline Each student in the KGIP is required to complete a daily report on their activities as an intern. This will include a report on of the hours worked and a brief summary of the activities on each day.
- Work hours* and the number of credits
More than 30 hours and less than 60 hours 1 credit More than 60 hours and less than 120 hours 2 credits More than 120 hours and less than 180 hours 4 credits More than 180 hours and less than 240 hours 6 credits More than 240 hours and less than 300 hours 8 credits More than 300 hours and less than 360 hours 10 credits More than 360 hours 12 credits - These work hours must be completed at the internship site, not remotely, not in a home office.
- Presentation Assignment
In some case students will be asked to present their experience as an Intern to Kansai Gaidai management and the KGIP staff. This would be Oral presentation that would be given in a final meeting after the internships are over for all students.
Academic Integrity Standards
Students engaging in activities that violate the Kansai Gaidai Regulations while an intern will be terminated from the KGIP by the Dean of the Program. Since the university is placing foreign interns, it is critical that our interns follow the rules of our university, those of the organization that they are working for and of course those of Japan.