Application and Selection Procedures

The selection process for the KGIP is competitive. Final selection is based on many factors, such as previous internship experience, previous work experience, Japanese language skills, the application materials from the student and the internal interviews conducted for internship candidates.

The process of selection follows the following basic structure:

  1. Announcement is made at the beginning of spring semester.
    Send application form with the list of prospective companies and schools.
  2. Applications accepted for one week or so.
  3. Applicants reviewed and first selection of candidates announced
  4. Internal interviews conducted by Professors affiliated with the KGIP
  5. Second selection of candidates chosen and assigned to schools and companies by the KGIP staff
    (student interests are factored into the selection process)
  6. External interviews as required by companies and schools
  7. Final assignments are completed based on the external interviews

The above procedures are completed within one-month period.

Selection Schedule at a Glance

Information Session February
Announcement February
Application Period February
Announcement of Candidates February
Internal Interview February
Announcement of Finalists March
Interview with Companies March
Announcement of Final Assignments March
Pre-training/Orientation April - May
Internship Period June (some internships will continue until July or August)


Special preparatory seminars are offered to help students develop their understanding on what to expect during the internship and on Japanese business etiquette so that participants would make smooth adjustments.

The seminars cover topics such as:

  • Punctuality, Time management
  • Greetings and Bowing – Politeness
  • Basic vocabularies in Japanese
  • Name card exchange
  • Note taking
  • Tips on basic business communication (Report, Share, Consult)

And a seminar by a former intern to share experience and provide tips for successful internship.

Nonetheless, students’ proactive attitude is the key for a success!

Kanasai Gaidai Internship Program Orientation